At the start of the course, we were assigned to investigate these three castles, also refered to as stone houses. The whole project was very interesting. It got us to think in a rational sense and mannor, by observing the way on how the programatic of these three buildings evolve over time. What this is meant by is that over time, the essence of the building started to diverge into a much residential environment, while still retaining the natural skin of the building. The beauty about this is that, all the recessed punctures i.e. fireplaces, windows, gun holes are still expressed within the skin, composing a very atmospheric lighting experience. This can be clearly witnessed within the smaller spaces i.e. bedrooms. This experience differs through-out these three stone house type-like castles.
Elcho Castle:

Edzell Castle:
Photos taken on 16.09.2010

Claypotts Castle:
Photos taken on 16.09.2010 
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