This blog is used as an aid to the investigation in Architecture and Freedom?
It is a self guide in producing a thesis for this specific research.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

019 Spatial Syntax Part 08- Probabilistic Inequality Genotype

This article relates to some extent with the Nolli project. References and connections could be made with spatial syntax and the distribution of public and private within the Edinburgh New Town and Marchmont. 
The is a good example of how this spatial structural tool can cast various differences and to post rationalize its layout in a more diagrammatic legible form. 

These figures demonstrate the open structure of Lab x and Lab y.
This is a useful way of representing the difference in spatial layout of the two labs. In each figure, all the free space - that is, the space in which people can work and move freely - is colored in black. 
This clearly elaborates not only on the basic cellular form of each building, but the fundamental configurational differences between the spatial layouts of Lab x - y. 
In the latter case, the differences have risen from a protracted process of spatial mutation and adaptation.

The most important configuration difference between Lab x and Lab y is that while both have created internal permeability between group of cells, links are deep in Lab x and shallow in Lab y.

Here the differences are shown clearly in these 'axial' maps of each lab. There is also a fundamental difference in the space use patterns of Lab x - y. The most obvious difference is that Lab y has space use and movement rates in the main corridor about 5 times as high as these in Lab x.

We can make the pattern differences clear by dividing activities into four kinds:

1. Contemplative activities - such as sitting, writing.
2.Practical activities - working at a bench, which usually involves a certain degree of local movement. 
3. Interactive activities - conversation or taking part in discussions. 
4. Non-local movement - Movement that is basically linear and on a longer scale rather than describing a local convex figure, as would usually be the case for movement involved in working at a lab bench. 

Both buildings are corridor-based, most non-local movement will be in the shallowest space, the corridor itself. 

Lab x: 
.Contemplative activity concentrates deep in the lab.
.Practical activities are usually spread over the full depth of the lab.
.Interactive activities concentrate in the region of the axial lines linking the lab bays together. 
These links occur deep in the lab, which means interaction tends to occur in the same areas as contemplating activities, close to local movement but maximally for from non-local movement. 

Lab y:
.Contemplating activities occur deep in the lab by the windows
.Practical activities tent to concentrate towards the center and shallow areas. 
.Interactive actvities concentrate strongly in the shallow areas close to the corridor.
This means that the interaction occurs both close to local movement within the lab, and close to non-local movement in the corridors. 

As analyzed, Lab y contemplative activities are deeper than practical activities while interaction is shallow and close to non-local movement. 

Using the symbol '<' to mean 'shallow than':
Lab y: Movement < Interaction < Practical < Contemplative 
Lab x: Movement < Practical < Interaction = Contemplative

These formulae summarizes the spatial dynamics of each organization resemble the 'inequalities genotypes'.
We might call these formulae expressing differential spatial dynamics 'probabilistic inequality genotypes' and note that are short models that they affect the dynamics of the organization differently. 

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