This blog is used as an aid to the investigation in Architecture and Freedom?
It is a self guide in producing a thesis for this specific research.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

004 Capturing Space

Capturing space was a side project that we all assigned our selfs as a group to investigate. Each individual was aligned with an artist that Doug Pearson (a PHD student, currently studying Stone Houses) mentioned to us at a meeting and we analyzed their work. Jan Dibbets was my concentration for this area. His work was very intriguing to pursue due to the way he worked with the use of different mediums. He captured space in a very unique kind of way. He starts off by drawing either a horizontal or curved line. Then mortgaging the picture together, by aligning its horizon line with the line he first drew. This starts to create a particular image that a view would have to manipulate in order to grasp what the image firstly was. The second layer that he encounters the image with is more of a tonal interpretation that he uses to expand the image creating an individuality and framework to his composition. This is seen mainly throughout his work. 

Here are a few examples of my interpretation of Jan Dibbets's work. The main focus was the inspired space which I analyzed at Elcho Castle. Most of these drawings are hard to configured on what exactly it is but within each one there is an explanation to be given on why it appears the way it is. 

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