This blog is used as an aid to the investigation in Architecture and Freedom?
It is a self guide in producing a thesis for this specific research.

Monday, 11 October 2010

009 "The Office for Metropolitan Architecture"

A vision fueled by the formal and social mulplicities of urban life, which we read as both architecture of the metropolis and as insertion of the metropolis into the architecture. 

OMA have been termed as the "social condensers of our time". This reflects a return to the early modernist imperative towards an architecture that would remake the habitat and habitus of everyday life. As analyzed previously, the work of Koolhaas, is strongly ordered by trajectories of movement through buildings. Mainly focused on vertical movement, i.e. escalators, stairs, ramps and lifts, which becomes the modes of access to fields of encounter or "event-fields". He visualizes this notion as a multiple of "freedoms" for new forms of action that architecture is seen to make possible. He seeks an architecture that can resist the imperative to become a diagram of social and institutional structure, which he terms "social mimesis"
Koolhaas seeks an architecture that encourages an irruption of events, social encounters and opportunities for action. He concentrates on setting up a spatial structure that creates a multiplicity of choice for individuals and encounter. Koolhaas wants to:

"liquefy rigid programming into non-specific flows and weave together exterior, interior, vestigial and primary spaces into a frank differential matrix that rids the building of the hackneyed bourgeois niceties of cosmetic hierarchies"

Buildings as spatial "fields"
Koolhaas often designs interiors as if they were exteriors, i.e. Metropolitan Architecture, importing exterior urban space into interior space. These interiors are often visualized as fields of play or artificial landscapes that dissolve boundaries between inside and outside, between architecture and metropolis. These spaces are mainly functionally open and visually transparent to engaged maximum social encounter.

Post Civil Society: Publicity/Privacy = Freedom/Control - Koolhaas's work enables patterns of free-play with spatial order. His work insists on the relationship between this randomness and freedom and the presence of some rigid, inhuman, non-differentiated form that enables the differentiation of what goes on around it occur by itself. 

This diverges into another way of thinking. It shifts from a focus of an architectural object to a focus on field relations, paralleling the development of field theory in mathematics. 
A field consists of forces, trajectories and patterns of movement.
The field is a material condition rather than a discursive practice. A system with permeable boundaries, flexible internal relationships, multiple pathways and fluid hierarchies is capable of answering complexities of new urban contexts. An innovation in which Koolhaas's work lies in the extent if utilizing such strategies in the interiors of buildings, where it contributes towards new kinds of social encounters. 
The idea of a building as a "field" rather than an architectural object entails a shift in critique from form to spatial analysis. 

Spatial analysis = Spatial Syntax

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