This blog is used as an aid to the investigation in Architecture and Freedom?
It is a self guide in producing a thesis for this specific research.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

005 Program over Form

Program over form was my first initial starting point to individual research. This vague focus was a step forward into knowing what to achieve by the end of this year. Rem Koolhaas, i.e. OMA, are clearly an important reference point. By starting to analyze and research in their theories and workings, I would be able to narrow my concentration into an area that can be revised and tested. Therefore, 
program can be seen as an active factor
This spatial analysis is firstly conceived in a diagrammatic form and then is cast backwards into plan fragments. Therefore, an ideology of P/F can be summarized as a series of processes and experiments on how to convey such equilibrium of a chosen typology.

The term rationalism (latin ratio or reason). The earliest form in philosophy is stoicism, i.e. making personal + political view of people as orderly. Stoicism believed that the fundamental injection laid in human beings is to follow the law of nature and in the development of stoicism this injection acquires a systematic meaning. The history of the systematic philosophizing about the arts in a rational way began with Plato. His approach in developing his attitude towards the arts was the issue of their social meaning and responsibility because he wished to make sure that the arts would subordinate themselves to the good of every citizen. 

For the arts to have an enjoyable efforts upon society excessively enervating elements and excessive individualism must be removed. 
This concludes in a measure of various experiments to manifest the concept idea of different arts composing a functioned society and eliminating individuality within certified typologies. 

These illustrations exposes diagrammatic formulas on the concentration of program itself. From left to right, the first diagram, illustrates how a solid form of building starts to embrace the program within. As the program distinguishes its configuration, the form itself is forgotten. The second and third diagram illustrates the x-y and z co-ordinates. These represent one being a spatial diagram on a plan and the other of a section. However, by concentrating only on plan and section the diagrams differ from one another. This could either be a social clash of arts or the heir-achy of space comes into play. The last diagram is an abstract version of a solution on how to portray this program over form on an actual site. This diagram illustrates the possibilities on implying just building on the site and then carving and place programmatic relations within itself. Here is a simple program where the importance of space is on the higher ground and the tertiary space, i.e servicing and plant areas are located at ground level. Can this be a touch point into hyper-buildings

Louis Kahn - Phillips Exeter Academy Library

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